9th of Rabi-ul-Awwal : Eid Shuja (Eid e Zahra)


                          Eid Shuja (Eid e Zahra A.S)

9th of Rabi-ul-Awwal is the day of glory, honour, dignity and blessings . It is a great eid day named "Eid-e-Shuja" and "Eid-e-Zahra (A.S). many hadith have been reported in its merit (fazeelat). This is the day when Ahle Bayt-e-Rasool (peace of Allah be upon them) brought their soag( mourning ) to an end as Hazrat Mukhtar Saqafi (blessings of Allah be upon him) took the revenge from Qatlaan-e-Imam Hussain (A.S) by killing them all in the same manner as they did, and then he sent the heads of Qatlaan-e- Imam Hussain (A.S) {(the murderers of Imam Hussain) including ibne ziyad and umer bin sa'ad umer bin sa'ad was the 1st to shoot the arrow towards khayaam-e-Hussaini (Hussaini camps) and then proudly said: "Be witness that me the 1st to shoot the arrow."} to Beemaar-e-Karbala Hazrat Imam Zain-ul- Abedeen (A.S) who then paid sajda-e- shukr (thanking prostration) to Allah and said "thanks for Allah , for He took revenge from our enemies" and prayed for Hazrat mukhtar (blessings of Allah be upon him) in these words: "Allah will reward mukhtar good" (Bahar-ul-Anwaar vol: 45, Jame- ur- Ruwaat vol:02)
As Hazrat Imam Hasan Askari (A.S) was martyred on 8th of Rabi-ul- Awwal, so 9th of Rabi-ul-Awwal is the 1st day of Hazrat Imam mehdi, Saheb-al-Asr-e-Wazzaman's (Ajja lallahu farajahu) Imamate. And due to this, this day achieves more heights ofhonour, glory and excellence. He, Imam-e-Zamana Ajja lallahu farajahu was born in the night of sha'baan 15 (the night between 14th and 15th of sha'baan ) in the city of samra in Iraq in the year 225 A.H. He is the Imam of our era and Hadith of Holy Prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his progeny) goes:
"One who dies without knowing the Imam of his time, dies a death of ignorance (jahalat). Hazrat Imam Mehdi, al-Qa'em, saheb-al-asre wazzaman (Ajja lallahu ta'ala farajahu ) is our Imam, Imam of our era and as the verse 71 of sura Bani Israel says:
"(Remember) The day (of judgement) when we shall call every people with their Imam". We will be called and presented with our Imam on resurrection day.
Friends of Muhammad and Aale Muhammad (peace of Allah be upon them) should celebrate this day with great happiness.
Some Aamaal of this day, as reported by ulema are as under:
  1. To wear new and fine dress;
  2. Perfume oneself ;
  3. Give feast to momeneen;
  4. Cause them (momeneen) happy;
  5. Greet each other;
  6. Recite Ziarat-e-Imam-e-Zamana (Ajja Lallahu Ta'ala farajahu)
This glorious day is being announced by Mukhtar force Pakistan, a subsidiary wing of Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan and which protects Sha'air Allah regardless of any differences, to be observed as "Youm-e-mukhtar" mukhtar day through out the country.

                                                          Copy by:-http://www.yaghaziabbas.com/




Name: Al Hasan bin Ali (a.s.)
MotherUmmul Walad - Susan. 
Kunniyat (Patronymic): Abu Muhammad. 
Laqab (Title): Al Askari. 
Birth: He was born at Samarrah in the year 232 A.H. 
Martyrdom: He was poisoned in 260 A.H. at Samarrah and is buried there.
Imam Hassan askari(as)


His name is al-Hasan, Abu Muhammad. Being a resident of "Asgar a suburb of Samarra", he is titled al-askari. His father was Imam "Ali An-Naqi (A.S.) and his mother was Salil Khatun, an ideal woman in piety, worship, chastity and generosity. He was born in Medina on the tenth of Rabi" al-Akhir, 232 A.H. (December 4, 846 AD).

Upbringing and Instruction

He lived under the care of his respected father upto the age of 11. When his father had to leave for Samarra" he was to accompany him and thus share the hardships of the journey with the family. At Samarra", he passed his time with his father either in imprisonment or in partial freedom. He had, however, the chance to benefit from his father"s teaching and instruction.


His father died in 254. A.H. (868 AD) when he was twenty-two. Four months before his death, the father declared his son to be his successor and executor of his will, asking his followers to bear witness to the fact. Thus the responsibilities of Imamate were vested upon him which he fulfilled even in the face of great difficulties and hostile environment.
In the early days of his lmamate, Al-Mu"tassam Al-"Abbasi was the caliph. When the latter was deposed, he was succeeded by al-Muhtadi. After his brief reign of only eleven months and one week, al-Mu"tamad came to the throne. During their regimes, Imam Hasan al-askari (A.S.) did not enjoy peace at all. Although the Abbaside dynasty was involved in constant complications and disorders, each and every king thought it necessary to keep the Imam (A.S.) imprisoned.
One of the Holy Prophet"s traditions ran that the Prophet (S.A.W) would be succeeded by twelve soccessors, the last of whom would be the Mahdi, Qa"im "Al-Muhammad (A.S.). The "Abbasides knew well that the true successors of the Prophet (S.A.W) were these very Imams. AI-Hasan (A.S.) being the eleventh, his son would surely be the 12th or the last. They, tried to put an end to his life in such a way, that it would ensure there would be nobody to succeed him. As the simple confinement inflicted on Imam "Ali an-Naqi (A.S.) was considered inadequate for Imam Hasan al-"askari (A.S.), so he was imprisoned, away from his family. No doubt the revolutionary intervals between two regimes gave him brief periods of freedom. Yet as soon as the new king came to the throne, he followed his predecessor"s policy and imprisoned the Imam again. The Imam"s brief life therefore was mostly spent inside dungeon cells.
Imam Hassan askari(as)

Appointement of Deputies

Under all circumstances, the Imams carried out their duties of guiding the people. Imam Hasan Al-"askari was subjected to numerous restrictions,and those who sought to learn the teachings of AhI al-Bayt (A.S.) and their Shi"ah point of view could not reach him. In order to solve this problem, the Imam appointed certain confidants as his deputies in view of their knowledge of jurisprudence. These persons satisfied the curiosity of inquirers as much as they could. But if they could not solve certain theological problems, they would keep them pending the acquisition of their solutions from the Imam (A.S.) whenever they got the opportunity to see him. Of course the visit to the Imam (A.S.) by a few individuals could be allowed by the government but certainly not by groups who wished to see the Imam (A.S.) on a regular basis.
The Khums (1/5 of total savings), which was being paid to the Imams (A.S.) by the believers who cherished these Imams and regarded them as representatives of the Divine Law was spent by these sacred saints on religious matters, and to sustain the Prophet"s descendants. This Khums was secretly collected by these deputies, who spent it according to the directives of the Imam. They accordingly were in constant danger of being identified as such by the governments’ secret intelligence service. In order to divert this danger, Uthman ibn Sa"id and his son Abu Ja"far Muhammad, two prominent deputies of the Imam (A.S.) in the capital Baghdad, ran a big shop trading in oils. This provided them with free contact with the concerned people. It was thus that even under the very thumb of the tyrant regime that those devotees managed to run the system of the Divine law unsuspected.
Imam Hassan askari(as)

Character and Virtues

Imam Hasan Al-"askari (A.S.) was one of that illustrious series of the immaculate infallible each member of whom displayed the moral excellence of human perfection. He was peerless in knowledge, forbearance, forgiveness, generosity, sacrifice and piety. Whenever Al-Mu"tamad asked anybody about his captive Imam Hasan al-"askari (A.S.), he was told that the Imam fasted during the day and worshipped during the night, and that his tongue uttered no word but remembrance of his creator. During the brief periods of freedom and stay at home, people approached him hoping to avail from his benevolence, and they went back well rewarded. Once when the "Abbaside caliph asked Ahmed ibn "Abd Allah ibn khaqan, his Minister for Charities (awqaf), about the descendants of Imam "Ali (A.S.), he reported: "I do not know anybody among them who is more distinguished than Hasan al-"askari. None can surpass him in dignity, knowledge, piety and abstinence, nor can anybody match him in the point of nobleness majestic grandeur, modesty and honesty".

As Center of Learning

Imam Hasan al-"askari (A.S.) had a brief span of life, only twenty-eight years, but even in this short period, which was furled by a chain of troubles and tribulations, several high ranking scholars benefited from his ocean of knowledge. He also stemmed the flood of atheism and disbelief, which ensued, from the philosophers of that age, winning conspicuous success over them. One of those was Ishaq al-Kindi. He was writing a book on what he called "self-contradictions" in the Holy Qur"an. When the news reached the Imam (A.S.), he waited for an opportunity to refute and rebut him. By chance, some of Ishaq"s students came to him. The Imam asked them: "Is there anyone among you who can stop Ishaq from wasting his time in this useless effort fighting the Holy Qur"an?" The students said: "Sir, we are his students: how can we object to his teaching?" The Imam urged that they could at least convey to their teacher what he had to tell them. They replied that they would be ready to cooperate as much as they could in that respect.
Imam Hassan askari(as)
The Imam (A.S.) then recited a few verses from the Holy Qur"an, which the philosopher thought as contradictory of one another. He then explained to them thus: "Your teacher thinks that some of the words in these verses have only one meaning. But according to the Arabic language, these words have other meanings too which, when taken into consideration, indicate no contradiction in he overall meaning. Thus, your teacher is not justified for basing his objections and claim of contradictions on the premises of the "wrong meaning" he himself selects for such verses". He then put up some examples of such words before them so clearly that the students conceived the whole discussion and the precedents of more than one meaning.
When these students visited Ishaq al-Kindi and after routine talk, reproduced the disputed points, he was surprised. He was a fair-minded scholar and he listened to his students" explanations. Then he said: "What you have argued is beyond your capacity: tell me truly who has taught you these points?" The students said that it was their own reflection, but when he insisted that they could never have conceived those points, they admitted that, it was explained to them by Abu Muhammad Imam Hasan al-askari (A.S.). The instructor said: "Yes: this level of knowledge is the heritage of that House and only that House". Then he asked the students to set fire to all such works of his.
Imam Hasan al-askari (A.S.) was a reliable authority for traditionalists who had recorded several traditions in their collections on his authority. One tradition about drinking runs thus: "The wine drinking is like an idolater". It has been recorded by Ibn al-Jawzi in his book "Tahrim al-Khamr" (prohibition of wine drinking) with continuous chain of references tracing its narrators. Abu Na"im Fadl ibn Waki states that the tradition is true as it has been narrated by his companions such as Ibn "Abbas, Abu Hyrayra, Anas, AbdAllah ibn Awf al-Aslami and others.
Unfortunately, these storehouses of knowledge are not available.
Imam Hassan askari(as)

Imam Al-Hasan al-"askari, peace be on him, said:

Generosity has a limit, when crossed becomes extravagance; caution has a limit when crossed becomes cowardice; thriftiness has a limit, when crossed becomes miserliness; courage has a limit, when crossed becomes fool-hardiness. Let this moral lesson suffice: refrain from doing anything which you would disapprove of if done by someone else.
A Part of Imam Hasan Al-askari’s Commandments to His Shia
Let piety be your provision, patience be your garment, and buy hardship in the path of Allah. Be true in your speech, trustworthy in performing your deeds, prolong your sajdah (prostration), deal with others with best behavior, and treat your neighbor amicably. Perform your prayers even with those whom you think to be your opposition; attend their funeral ceremonies, visit their sick, and give them their rights. Verily I tell you that whosoever is honest and has good behavior in the eyes of others, he is the pious Shia whom I will be proud of. Therefore, fear Allah, be as adornment on behalf of us and be not as shame that defames our name. This is the only way by which others shall be attracted toward us (the Ahlul Bayt of the Holy Prophet s.w.)


Farman of Mola Imam Hussain A.S

Farman of Mola Imam Hussain A.S

Mere Jang faqt Yazeed Se nh balke har us shkz se hai hai.Jis Ka Yazeedi Kerdar ho.

Mola Hussain A.S ke Farman ke Mutabiq Mola A.S ke Jang Srif Yazeed  se nh balke yar us Insan se Jis ka Yazedi Kirdar ho.Mola A.S ke jang us se he ho ge.Jis ne Apna Kidar Or Ammal Yazeedi tor pe keyae Mola A.S KE Jang us he se hai.Is Leye Hamme Chiye hai ke Apna Kidar Or Ammal ko acha kren take Hamre Mola Hussain A.S Hum Se Razii Hn.



                  (AMMEN YA ALLAH)



Poetry for Imam Mola Hussain A.S

Poetry for Imam Mola Hussain A.S 

Jab Say Utha hai Zalim ka pahra Furaat pay.!
Kahte hai Moog Moog kahani Hussain(a.s) ke.!
Hairan Hokey pochta phirta hai Seel-e-Aab.!
Kya Chahtee thee Tashna Rahani Hussain(a.s) Ke..!!


Bad-e-Rasool [PBUH] Kon Hai Mola do jahan ka..!!
Es ka suraag Kaba ke dewar sey Mila..!!
Zainab [s.a]Kabhe Hussain [a.s] aur kabhe Ali [a.s]..!!

Her Zaveya Rasool [PBUH] Kay Kerdar sey Mila..!
Dare ZAHRA (S.A) sa koi dar to dhund ke laa,
Duniya mein nahi milega tu jannat se dhund ke laa,
Humhe fakkr hai ke hum hain iss dar ke ghulam,,

Tu jaa hum jaisa kisi or ka muqaddar dhund ke laa...

                           courtesy by shiachat.com

Ya Hussain A.S



Quran me khuda fermata hay k
"a emman walo sabr or namaz se madad mango"
Rasool e khuda ne fermay hay k momin ki namaz Ali hay .hadees e rasool k mutabiq is ayat ka matlab ye huwa k sabr or Ali se madad mango. tub he to jub b Rasool e khuda ko zaroorat pari rasool ne her bar deen ki nusrat k lye ALI OR AOLAD E ALI se madad talab ki .Na sirf itna bal k Rasool e khuda ne khaiber k moqay per NAD E ALI perh ker bataya k ALI se madad mangna shirk nhn rasool ki sunnat hay.
TO PHIR SHIRK KIA HAY?=================
Shirk ka matlab hay
khuda k saath kisi ko shareek kerna ,
khuda k hukm ki nafermani kerna
khuda ki atta ki hue naimaton ki nashukri kerna.
khuda k sath kisi ko shareek kerna
jisko mola Ali ne bht he zyada condemn kia hay
ye he waja hay k mehrab e ibadat me khuda e wahda ho lashareek k agay ser ba sujood ho ker Mola ne bataya k dekho me khuda nhn hon han meray sajdoon se ye zaroor socho k jis ALI ka banda ALI hoga wo Ali khud kesa hoga
2/. khuda k hukm ki na fermani kerna.
A nabi in se keh den k ager tum khuda se mohabat kertay ho to ap ka itaba karen. means k ap k sunnat ki perwi karen .Or khayber me Nad e Ali ka perhna or aj her shia k zaban per nad e ali ka wird shirk nhn itaba e sunnat e rasool hey
khuda ki atta ki hue naimaton ki nashukri kerna
khuda ki nematon ki nashukri shirk hay q k uski atta per razi rehnay ka matab hay k wo banda khuda ki her raza per ser tasleem khum hay lekin jub koe banda kehta hay k meray pass ye b nhn wo b nhn to ye khuda ki atta per nashukri hay k theek hay ager khuda ki d hue nematon per khush nhn to koe or khuda dhoondo jo tumhen wo sub kuch d jis se tum razi ho or esa koe or khuda to hay nhn jo wo kuch d jo is khuda k paas na ho to ye havs and hav nots ka rona he shirk hay na k Ya Ali Madad kehna .
Rasool e khuda ka ferman hay k ALi ayat e kubra hay, Ali naimat e kubra hay.wilayat e Ali 1 azeem nemat hay q k Ali sirat al mustaqeem jis k bar me Rasool e khuda ne fermaya hay k jahan HAQ hay wahan Ali hay or jahan ALi hay wahan Haq hay or haq k rastay per chelnay wala kabhi gumrah nhn hota.
so guys instead of being confused k either YA ALI MADAD is shork or not lets b thankfull to ALLAH ALMIGHTY and the true believers and devoted followers of Sunnah ALL WAYS SAY


Biogrpphy of Imam Hassan And Rassol-e-Khuda (SAWW)

Biogrpphy of Imam Hassan And Rassol-e-Khuda (SAWW)

Rassol Khuda (Saww)

LINEAGE The oldest and noblest tribe in the whole of Arabia was Banu Hashim. They were the descendants of Ibrahim through his son Isma'il. The Arabs respected and loved them for their goodness, knowledge, and bravery.'ABD AL-MUTTALIB 'Abd al-Muttalib was the chieftain of Banu Hashim and he was also the Guardian of the Ka'bah. Among his ten sons, 'Abdullah was the father of the Holy Prophet.MUHAMMAD In Mecca, a baby boy named Muhammad was born on 17th Rabi' al-Awwal, 570 AD. His father 'Abdullah, son of 'Abd al-Muttalib, died before he was born and when he was six, he lost his loving mother Aminah bint Wahab. His Grandfather, 'Abd al-Muttalib, took the responsibility of bringing up the orphan. At the age of ten, he was berefted of his venerable grandfather. On his deathbed, he appointed his son Abu Talib as the guardian of Muhammad. As a gentle, soft spoken, tall and handsome boy, Muhammad, accompanied the trading caravans of Abu Talib, across the deserts, giving him deep insight into nature and man.KHADIJAH The wealthy noble widowed lady Khadijah, in looking for a manager for her rich merchantile caravans, selected Muhammad (SW) as her manager. The able and fair dealing Muhammad (SW) was a tremendous success. Khadijah already an admirer of Muhammad (SW), made him an offer of marriage. Muhammad (SW) was twenty five and Khadijah forty. In spite of this disparity in age, the marriage proved to be a very happy one.THE PROPHET Lover of nature and quite worrried about human sufferings, Muhammad (SW) often retreated to Mount Hira' for meditation. One night - Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Majesty) - a voice addressing him, commanded     "Recite in the name of thy Lord."Deeply excited by the strange phenomena of the Divine Visitation, Muhammad (SW) hurried home to his wife, Khadijah, who listened to him attentively and said that     "I bear witness that you are the Apostle of God."After an interval, the voice from heaven spoke again     "O thou shrouded in thy mantle, arise, and warn, and magnify thy Lord."This was a signal for him to start preaching the gospel of truth of One God. In the beginning Muhammad (SW) invited only those near him, to accept the new Faith. The first to embrace Islam among women was Khadijah and among men Ali (AS). Soon after, Zayd ibn al-Harithah became a convert to the new Faith. For three long years, he labored quietly to wean his people from the worship of idols and drew only thirty followers. Muhammad (SW) then decided to appeal publicly to the Quraysh to give up idol worship and embrace Islam. The new Faith, is simple without complications, practical, and useful for everyday life. It commands to believe and do good, to keep up prayer and to pay the poor tax (alms). Almost ten years of hard work and preaching, in spite of all persecution, produced over a hundred followers, physical cruelties and social boycott made life unbearable in Mecca. The Holy Prophet of Islam advised his followers, to seek refuge in the to seek refuge in the neighboring country of Ethiopia. Eighty eight men and eighteen women sailed to the hospitable shores of the Negus, under the leadership of Ja'far at-Tayyar (brother of 'Ali) and the cousin of the Holy Prophet. several times the chieftains came to Abu Talib saying,     "We respect your age and rank, but we have no further patience with your nephew. Stop him or we shall fight you." Abu Talib asked Muhammad for his decision. With tears in his eyes, the Apostle firmly replied, "O my uncle! If they place the sun on my right hand and the moon on my left, to force me to renounce my mission, I will not desist until God manifests His cause or I perish in the attempt."TRAGEDIES In a period of troubles, trials and tribulations two major tragedies afflicted Muhammad. First the venerable guardian uncle Abu Talib died and shortly afterwards his noble wife Khadijah died, leaving behind her daughter Fatimah (peace be on her) - the only child she had from the Holy Prophet - the daughter who looked after her father so much so that the prophet called her Umm Abiha (the mother of her father).MUSLIM ERA With the death of the old patriarch Abu Talib, the Meccans planned to assassinate the prophet. Under Divine guidance, he asked 'Ali to sleep in his bed and Muhammad put his green garment on 'Ali. While the murderes mistook 'Ali for muhammad, the Holy Prophet of Islam escaped to Medina. The Muslim era of Hijrah (Emigration) is named after this incident and dated from 17th Rabi' al-Awwwal, 622 AD. From the time he came to Medina, he was the grandest figure upon whom the light of history has ever shone. We shall now see him as the King of men, the ruler of human hearts, chief law-giver and supreme judge. The Preacher who went without bread, was mightier than the mightiest sovereigns of the earth. No emperor with his tiaras was obeyed, as this man in a cloak of his own clothing. He laid the foundation of the Muslim commonwealth and drew up a charter which has been acknowledged as the work of highest statesmanship, a master-mind not only of his age, but of all ages. Unlike the Arabs, the Prophet, had never wielded a weapon, but now he was forced to defend Islam by force of arms. Commencing from the battle of Badr, a series of eighty battles had to be fought, which the infant community defended successfully.UHUD Next year, Abu Sufyan, the famous long-lived enemy of Islam, again attacked the Muslims at Uhud. Hamzah, the first flag-bearer of Islam and uncle of the Prophet, was killed in action. In spite of strict instructions from the Prophet, a few Muslim soldiers deserted their post, when victory was in sight. This changed the course of the battle. Khalid ibn al-Walid attacked the Prophet and the grave situation was saved by the timely arrival of 'Ali. The enemies ran away and the issue was decided. Muhammad was deeply grieved at the death of Hamzah.HUDAYBIYYAH The Muslims had been in self exile for six years and began to feel a keen yearning for their homeland, Mecca. The Prophet desired to perform a pilgrimage to Ka'bah. When he forsook his home town he was weak, but when he wanted to return, he was strong. He did not use his strength to force an entry into the sacred city. Finding the Quraysh hostile, Muhammad entered into a treaty Known as the Peace of Hudaybiyyah, appearing not very advantageous to the Muslims, but which revealed the Islamic character of moderation and magnanimity. For the strong to exercise restraint and toleration is true courage. Having reached up to the door of their birth place with hearts over-flowing with impatient longing to enter it, the Muslims retraced their steps peacefully to Medina, under the terms of the treaty, which allowed them to perform the pilgrimage next year.MECCA In The 8th year AH, the idolaters violated the peace of Hudaybiyyah by attacking the Muslims. The enemies were defeated and Mecca was conquered. The Prophet who fled from Mecca as a fugitive, now returned home as a mighty conqueror. The Rahmatun lil 'Alamin (mercy unto all beings, i.e., the Prophet) entered the city with his head bowed low in thankfulness to the Almighty (Allah) and ordered a general amnesty, instead of the mass massacre of those who persecuted him and his followers.WIVES A great number of Muslim soldiers were killed in battles at Badr, Uhud, Khaybar, Hunayn and other places, leaving behind young wives and children. The serious problem of taking care of the widows and orphans, threatened to break up the moral fabric of the Muslim Society. Muhammad decided to marry these widows and set an example for his followers to do likewise.LAST PILGRIMAGE Under the Divine intuition of his approaching end, Muhammad prepared to make the farewell pilgrimage to Mecca. Before completing all the ceremonies of Hajj, he addressed a huge multitude from the top of mount 'Arafat on 8th Dhi al-hijjah, 11 AH, in words which shall ever ring and live in the atmosphere. After finishing the hajj the Holy Prophet started for Medina. On his way, at Ghadir Khumm the Voice from Heaven cried:      "O Apostle! deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord; and if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message and Allah will protect you from the people, surely Allah will not guide the unbelieving people". (5:67)Muhammad immediately ordered Bilal to recall the Muslims, who had gone ahead, who were behind and who were proceeding to their homes at the junction, to assemble. The famous Sunni mutakallim and commentator, Fakhr ad-Din ar-Razi in his At-Tafsir al-Kabir, vol. 12, pp. 49-50, writes that the Prophet took 'Ali by the hand and said:     "Whoever whose mawla (master) I am, 'Ali is his master. O Allah! Love him who loves 'Ali, and be the enemy of the enemy of 'Ali; help him who helps 'Ali, and forsake him who forsakes 'Ali."DEATH On Muhammad's return to Medina, he got busy settling the organization of the provinces and the tribes which had adopted Islam. His strength rapidly failed and the poison (administered at Khaybar by a Jewess) took its deadly toll. So ended the life dedicated to the service of God and humanity from first to last, on 28th Safar, 11 AH. The humble Preacher had risen to be the ruler of Arabia. The Prophet of Islam not only inspired reverence, but love owing to his humility, nobility, purity, austerity, refinement and devotion to duty. The Master inspired all who came into contact with him. He shared his scanty food; he began his meals in the Name of Allah and finished them uttering thanks; he loved the poor and respected them; he would visit the sick and comfort the heart broken; he treated his bitterest enemies with clemency and forbearance, but the offenders against society were administered justice; his intellectual mind was remarkably progressive and he said that man could not exist without constant efforts. There is no god but One God and Muhammad is the Apostle of God, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his descendants.

Rozo E Rasool Khuda (saww)

Hazrat Imam Hassan (A.S)

On the 15th day of the holy month of Ramazan, 3rd A.H, the first son of Imam Ali(A.S) and Hazrat Zahra (A.S) and grandson of prophet Muhammad (saww) was born.
The Kuniyat of mola Imam Hasan (A.S) was Abu Mohammad.
His laqab  has been narrated as Sayyed, Sebt, Hujjat,Taqi, Zaki, Mujtaba, Zahed, Amir and Wali.

The growth and development of Imam Hasan (A.S) was in the company of the Holy – Prophet of Islam (S.A) for seven years. And for thisty years, he was in the company of his holy father, Hazrat Amiral Momeneen Ali (A.S).
After the Shahadat ( martyrdom) of Imam Ali (A.S) in the year 40 A.H, Imam Hasan (A.S) undertook the responsibility of the reins of the government as per the request of the Muslims.
He sent his personnel’s to different cities as the Bani Ummayya harboured deep enmity and vendetta against Bani Hashim. They conspired and hatched several plots to snatch the Khilafat from Imam Hassan (A.S) and to take over the control of the Muslim affairs for themselves. Thus, Muawiya sent several spies and secret agents to several cities so as to lay the ground for weakening the government of Imam Hasan (A.S)
He prepared an army to assault Iraq. After being informed of the happenings, Imam Hasan (A.S) sent many warnings to Muawiya. Then he called the Muslims to prepare themselves in the combat against Muawiya. With a mighty army, he prepared himself for the battle.
Before facing the army of Imam Hasan (A.S), Muawiya decided to resort to trick and deceit.
On one hand, he falsely implicated Imam Hasan (A.S) and spread the rumour amongst the people about the peace treaty with him. Muawiya resorted to this trick so as to weaken the morality of the army of Imam (A.S).
On the other hand, he resorted to bribery, debauchery and promising big government post, he seduced the top army officers of Imam Hassan (A.S) in to submission.
In this way, they joined the ranks of the army of Moawiya one after the other.
Disloyalty and treason had penetrated in the army and companions of Imam Hassan (A.S). They devoured his tents, unfastened his button, pulled the carpet from beneath him and slit his thigh leg with a dagger.
Seeing his army resorting to such dubious methods and his companions being in disturbed and agitated mood, Imam Hassan (A.S) thought it advisable that for stopping the disunion and the killing of the Shias, he accept the proposal of the peace treaty with Muawiya but with special conditions.
As per the writings of Ibne Khalka, the peace treaty was concluded on 25 Rabiul Awwal 41 A.H.

The most important conditions of the peace treaty were:
  • Muawiya would not call himself as Amir – ul – Momeneen ( leader of the Believers)
  • From then onwards, Imam Ali (A,S) would not be cursed or abused in bad language.
  • The life, wealth and chastity of the female members of shias would be secured and protected.
  • All the rights and privileges of the Shiahs would be granted to them.
  • Moawiya would not appoint anybody as his successor.
As can be seen from the conditions of the peace treaty, Imam Hassan (A.S) while showing Muawiya as a usurper and tyrant allayed the flames of disunity; saved the Islamic society from total annihilation and safeguarded the rights of the Shias.
It can be rightly said that the biggest achievement of the peace treaty was the discernment of the truth from falsehood. Neither truth could be introduced as lowliness and abject nor falsehood could be pretended to be right.
The holy Imam, through his behaviour and action made the people realise that Muawiya is the pillar of falsehood, deceit and treachery while the right of khilafat belonged to the true Awsiya of the Holy Prophet of Islam (saww). They do not want to rule over the people by resorting to force, bribery and deceit. The same matter was pursued during the events of Kerbala.
After the signing of the peace treaty, some of the people found fault with this important and wise work of Imam Hassan (A.S). They slandered him and used abusive language against his holy personality. It was as if they had ignored his divine gifted position and unmistakable personality.
In their reply , Imam Hassan (A.S) said;
“Am I not the Hujat of the Almighty, being his remembrance upon his creatures. Did not the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A) said, “Hassan and Hussain are two Imams, whether they are sitting or standing? If I had not done this work ( signed the peace treaty), nobody from amongst the shias would have remained in this world and every body would have been killed and annihilated.”
After turning over the apparent khilafat to Muawiya. Imam Hassan (A.S) left Kufa for his home land in Medina. He started to propagate the Divine Knowledge and spread it amongst the Muslims. But Muawiya did not stop from resorting to conspiracy and intrigue from the beginning, he started to break the articles of the peace treaty.
To gain certainty that the Khilafat will remain in his house hold, Muawiya hatched a plot to kill Imam Hassan (A.S). To accomplish his devilish plan, Muawiya poisoned the son of Hazrat Zahra (SA) on four occasions.
On the fourth occasion, he made Imam Hassan (A.S) drink poison and was effective in the Shahadat of Imam Hassan (A.S).
Based on this treacherous action, Imam (A.S) suffered heavy bleeding and the colour of his face changed and he said, “On several occasions , poison was given to me, but I had never suffered such hardship as on this occasion.”
Jonada says; “I went to visit Imam (A.S) during his illness which led to his death. I saw a tub in front of him. Due to the poison given by Muawiya (may the Almighty curse him) he was spitting blood in it . I said to Imam (AS), “O my Maula! Why don’t you cure yourself?”
Imam Hasan (AS) replied, “O Abdullah! How can I cure death” I said, “we are from the Almighty and to him is our Return.”
Imam Hasan (AS) attained shahadat due to poison at the age of 47.
After reciting Namaz on him, his holy body was taken towards the Haram/Roza (shrine)of the Holy Prophet of Islam (saww) to bury him there.
Tholat Ibn Malek says, “There was such a tremendous surge of heavy crowd accompanying his dead body towards his grave that if the needle would be thrown on the ground, it would hit the men (instead of striking the ground).
When the Bani Umayyad heard about the events and the huge crowd accompanying the holy body of the son of Hazrat Syeda Fatima Zahra (SA), they prevented from getting him buried near the grave of his holy grand father.
Ibn shahr Ashoob writes; they showered arrows at his dead body. Seventy sticks of arrows were removed from the holy body of Imam Hasan (AS).
As per the will of Imam Hassan (A.S) . Imam Hussain (A.S) refrained from fighting with them. He took the holy body of his brother towards Baqi and buried him there.
There is a difference of opinion about the day of the Shahadat of Imam Hasan (AS).
Shaikh Mufid and Kafami believe that he attained martyrdom on the of Safar. Shaikh Abbas Qummi accepts this saying in his book, ” Qurrat – ul – Basera”. Ibn Shahr Ashoob says that Imam Hassan (A.S) achieved Shahadat on 28th Safar . Shaikh Kulaini and Khazaz Qummi say , that the holy imam was martyred on the last day of Safar.

It has been narrated that Imam Hassan (A.S) had thirteen to sixteen children. From amongst his children are Fatema. The mother of Imam Mohammad Baqer (A.S). Qasem, Abdullah and Amir are also his children who achieved Shahadat during the episode of Kerbala behind their holy uncle Imam Hussain (A.S).
Jannt-ul-baqi before demolition


